The Game


Sector 4 is blooming with intelligent life across its multiple planets. Amongst those, there are 4 space-faring species that have given birth to wondrous star-spanning civilizations 

 Those species are the Kiwari, Fennos, Guajan-ni, and Humans.

What are the differences between Species?

The playable species are chosen during character creation and defines many of the character’s attributes, such as their appearance, their native language and their cultural backdrop. The different species have their own sub-cultures and factions, granting the player a range of choices to personalize their character. Each species comes with their own Traits, Abilities and Skill modifiers, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. Each species also comes with one or more subspecies, members of the same species that for biological or social reasons are physically different, and possess their own unique mechanics.


In Sector 4, a character's broad skills and knowledge are segmented into 12 Careers, each with two tiers of power and at least two specialization options. A level 1 character starts with only a single tier one career but through their journey to level 20, they will gain another four points to further grow in strength.  The game's core mechanics are built to make multiclassing as simple as possible, and allow thousands of possible combinations for customization. 

 Although it is possible to focus entirely on one career, most characters will unlock multiple careers as they advance.

The careers are the following.


Artists are masters of the fun, the moving and the beautiful, able to make even the more dire of situations enjoyable. Employing their Expression-Enhancing Drones, through song, movement, or acting, their artistry is sure to make anyone dance to their tune.


Masters of rhetoric and socialization, diplomats endeavor to solve conflict with words and not weapons. Knowledgeable of politics, culture, law, and etiquette, they always know the right thing to say to influence friends and foes alike.

Mech Pilot

Mech Pilots have the talent and skill necessary to take control of the most versatile vehicle space-age technology has to offer. Combining their own dexterity and knowledge with their Mech’s strength and resilience, they show the true potential of the union between man and machine the moment they step into the cockpit.


A Professional of medicine specialized in providing support and healing for their allies on the battlefield, the medic employs their knowledge of biology, their prowess in medical technology and their composure when facing blood and gore to make sure their companions finish the fight with all their limbs intact.


Individuals who dedicate their lives to pursuing the perfection of both body and soul monks often lead ascetic lives, whether in isolated temples or as wandering hermits. When their spiritual journey leads them to become adventurers, monks use their mental discipline and physical prowess to endure any hardship.


Academics who focus on intellectual abilities and the gathering of knowledge, scientists unravel the mysteries of the cosmos with the power of the scientific method and are essential for any mission where some brains are needed along with the brawn.


Combat trained personnel with the necessary skills to thrive in battle. Soldiers have a well-honed physique and expertise in the use of weaponry. Equipped with neural implants that improve their combat abilities, they are at home in the thick of the fray.


When others make use of the everadvancing world of technology, the tamer searches nature in order to find an animalcompanion to aid them in their adventures.With a combination of bestial instinct andcivilized rationality, the tamer and their loyalcompanion are at the top of the food chain.


Technology specialist trained in computing and mechanics with the right tool for every occasion, technicians are always prepared to provide support to their allies. If it is broken, they can fix it. If it isn’t broken, they can probably improve it.


Erudites in the thaumaturgic sciences, the technomancer’s approach to this subject is academic in nature, contrasting the esoteric and mystical ways often employed in traditional thaumaturgy. It was through the research of technomancers that Spells have become accessible to those not naturally blessed by the gift of thaumaturgy. The technomancer proves that with science and knowledge everything is possible.


Thaumaturges are individuals with the rare gift of controlling the transdimensional aura that surrounds their bodies, allowing for physics-defying feats. Whether controlling energy, shaping matter, or manipulating the minds of others, their abilities are certainly awe-inspiring.


Experts in the fine art of infiltration, able to circumvent security systems and to evade pursuers, thieves often find themselves at odds with the law due their efforts in relieving people of their excessive wealth.