

Humans are the newest race to enter the sector. These hominids’ greatest asset is their adaptability and tenacity. These traits are the only reason why their species still exists, as their home sector was destroyed by a terrifying transdimensional force.


Humans are versatile and, although they can often be stubborn, are quick learners when need arises. In general, Humans have the most varied range of personalities and skill sets out of all space-faring species. They are naturally curious and thus have an affinity for science and exploration, but do not shy from warfare.


Although the majority of humans have some sort of implant or prosthetic, only a small number can truly be called Cyborgs. These are individuals who have gone through a very dangerous and expensive procedure that substitutes the entirety of the spinal cord with a cybernetic enhancement. This modification allows them to fully interface with their bionics, allowing them to utilize multiple of these devices at the same time. However, because of the danger and cost involved, Cyborgs tend to either be rich and reckless individuals, members of military or paramilitary groups, or associated with criminal organizations. This risk factor is also the reason why other species show little to no interest in creating Cyborgs of their own, preferring to either employ their own physical abilities or just use robots. Cyborgs tend to be eccentric in one way or another, ranging from battle-craving soldiers to anarchy inciting political activists. Regular humans tend to find Cyborgs simultaneously shocking and awe inspiring.


Genics, the word derived from the term “transgenic”, wer created centuries ago, the fruit of a century old genetic experiment that pursued the idea of a “perfect being” by splicing humans with the genetic material of animals. he endeavor failed. Though Genics possess impressive skills ranging from increased senses and physical strength to natural camouflage and the ability to secrete toxins, they are always riddled with genetic problems due to incompatibility between their different types of DNA. This\ has led to genics invariably suffering from psychological afflictions of varying natures. Their predisposition to psychological disorders has led the general population to harbor distrust for Genics, relegating them to unwanted jobs or impoverished worlds.