

Diminutive and odd looking, with their three eyes and colorful hair, the Guajan-ni are amongst the eldest and wisest species in the sector. Deeply spiritual, they have a natural affinity for thaumaturgy and were the first species in the sector to discover its uses. They live in communion with nature and are generally peaceful but are not to be underestimated, as they are willing to fight to protect their worlds.


The small-statured, three-eyed Guajan-ni have a connection to the natural world that few members of the other species can even begin to understand.  Many have misjudged the Guajan-ni as weak, frail, and unable to defend themselves. They have all come to regret it.


The most powerful of the heretical tribes, the Tebara-ja’s religious beliefs are considered to be extreme and frightening. They believe that to fully embrace the divinity of the Anara-ci they must cast away their physical bodies and fully embrace their thaumaturgic potential. This is accomplished, in their view, by becoming machines. Most of their bodies organic components are removed, leaving behind only their spinal cords and brains. Once this is done their nervous systems are placed in a robotic body with very precise specifications that, according to their beliefs, possess religious significance. They do not, however, use this transference to create war-like mechanical bodies.